Toddlers and Reading
When it comes to teaching your toddler to love books, we all know that it's no easy task and it can be both time consuming as well as very frustrating. There's a difference between teaching your child to read... and teaching him or her to enjoy reading.
Well, the answer is pretty simple. If you want your child, regardless of age, to enjoy reading, then you must show him or her what there is to enjoy. After all, if there is nothing to enjoy or anything for them to benefit from, they aren't going to like it.
Below are three tips that will not only help you get your toddler into reading but will also ensure that it's an enjoyable process.
Let them read what they want. That's right. If your toddler is now 5 years old and wants to get into books like the once popular "Goosebumps" series by R.L. Stine, then by all means, let them! Don't limit them on what they can read. This isn't to say that they can read advanced adult fiction but if something is in their age range, let them explore! The more you can encourage your child to read what's interesting to them, the more likely they'll be to pick up their book again.
Don't put yourself in front of the TV much. What does this have to do with them? If your children see you parked in front of the TV all the time then they are bound to do the same thing. Read a book or two yourself and they'll more than likely imitate your behaviors. If you want them to read then you should read. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Give them access to plenty of books. Get a library card early on. Even if there's a library at school, a public library will open their eyes to just how many books there are. If you can afford it, take them to a bookstore on their birthday or reward good behavior with a book. You may also consider investing in an e-Reader once they are a little older. You get the picture -- always ensure they can get to a good book!
If you follow these simple steps, you should have no problem growing an avid reader. Take it one small step at a time and at the end of the day, don't force your child to do anything that they don't want to do (except eat their vegetables). For more information or helpful tips on how to get your toddler interested in reading at an early age, talk to other parents and see what they did. Your friends may have excellent ideas about reading related activities that your child will love.
Even if your child is already in school or in their teens, it's never too late to get him or her reading and to make demonstrate how beneficial reading can be and how enjoyable books really are.
Good luck in your venture into the world of childhood reading! Remember: set an example early and don't expect your child to pick up a book if you are sitting behind the television. That can't be stressed enough. Ultimately, if you can show the same behaviors as you want your child to have then the rest comes very easily!
The author loves to read and works for an online tutoring company.
Image credit: janetmck on Flickr
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